4 Tips For Creative Process

It’s a good feeling to have the ability to complete the creative process on a regular basis – sometimes it’s hard to know what our best material is until we look back on our finished works!

1. Find new sources of inspiration

Sometimes all it takes is one new song, sound, line of lyric or melody to kickstart the creative process! Try actively looking for inspiration and see what happens, especially if you’re not feeling particularly inspired.


2. Explore Possibilities

Consider alternate angles and ideas beyond the scope of your starting point! While we may hit on something right away that works, it can be helpful to keep in mind – taking an initial idea in a completely different direction can also be effective!


3. Stuck? Take a break and come back to it

No matter how many times we successfully complete the creative process, getting stuck seems to be a natural part of it! Sometimes stepping away from something and returning with a fresh perspective is the solution, whether it’s 5-10 minutes or picking another day to return to the process.


4. Seek Feedback And Trust Your Gut

Constructive criticism is often essential for strengthening our creative works, and a great way to create opportunities for growth, though it’s also important to trust your gut – and to finish new material confidently and consistently.

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