3 Ways Mistakes Can Improve The Creative Process

How do mistakes improve the creative process?

#1 – Mistakes can be a creative tool

Many times when recording, we will make a simple mistake that is ultimately decided to be nothing more than a misstep – a take best moved to the recycle bin, cutting room floor, etc.
Other times however, we may make a mistake during this process that ends up turning into one of the most interesting parts of a recording. It can be a good idea to stay open to these “good mistakes” as they happen –  sometimes that’s where the magic is! 

#2 – Recording Vocals & Instruments

Sometimes the right take isn’t the “perfect” take! A vocalist can sometimes sing a completely different melody in an entirely different tone than intended, and that take can end up making the final vocal comp.
While recording an instrument, you could play a “wrong” note that ends up sounding better than the originally planned note would have!

#3 – New Ideas

A misstep can easily spark another related or different idea. A mistake can lead us down a metaphorical road we would have never otherwise explored.
When we open ourselves up to possibilities, accepting we may not know exactly what we are creating until we create it – we are then able to access the most ideas from which to choose from.

Creativity Rules

As the creative – as the artist, songwriter, producer, etc. we get to choose what does and doesn’t form a part of our creative work.
Whether a creative idea happens intentionally or by chance, embracing all the options is a great approach!

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